Saturday, May 18, 2013

Change in Schedule

So I have changed my schedule so that I post only on Wednesdays. If I post on Saturdays those will be Bonus days.

See you Wednesday! :D

-Kay ♥

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Late Night Class

July 9/2012

I was the owner of a Tim Horton's...But halfway through my dream I became a teacher...I was teaching a night class. We were at Saint James Adult Center but inside was our original school (we had to move schools due to problems in our building.) No one was keeping track of time when I noticed it was 1 a.m. I let everyone leave. Only to hear a few gun shots moments after...Elizabeth started screaming in the hallway for me to come out of the classroom. So I did, only to find her dragging my father who had just been shot outside of the school. The only reason I could think of why he would be here was because he was worried and came looking for me. I quickly ran over to where he now layed. Simon a friend of mine came by my side trying to calm me down and help in anyway he could...

That was the last thing that happened before I awoke.

Whenever I have dreams where loved ones die I always have a feeling something bad will happen to them. Like it's my dreams way of telling me before it happens.
I have this habit of reading into my dreams...
Next time a dream like this occurs I will see if it ends up meaning something like this.

Come back every Wednesday and Saturday for a new dream! :)

-K ♥

Friday, May 10, 2013

Breakfast Restaurant Tragedy

May 8/2013

This is something I think I should mention before I start, so that your not confused. Cassie is Luke's sister.

Cassie and her best friend worked at the restaurant. My friends and I just went to eat but we're in the place before it even opens. Midway during the meal an earthquake strikes. (I have no clue where I was) When I got back the guys were really hurt from the damaged that the earthquake made. All I could see was Luke was bleeding and Tyler was unconscious. Cassie was freaking out looking at her brother. I sent her to continue her work while I did everything to help him. Right when I thought we have to move into a more private area a man runs into the place yelling "Who's twitter name has this in it?" and killed anyone who did. Some people pushed tables that were on the ground in the process they injured Luke even more then he was...Tyler finally regained consciousness and was really bruised from the way he was acting. Tyler and I moved Luke into the back office so that he would be somewhat better. We had put him on a chair but quickly realized that he was bleeding to much so we layed him on the floor. I had put my scarf on his stomach where all the blood was but it wasn't enough. I had to ask Tyler for his T-shirt which would be way better then my scarf. Cassie called 911. I'm freaking out but trying not to show it. So I leave Tyler with Luke while I go talk to Cassie. So I asked her all of Luke's medical history so that when at the hospital if asked anything I can answer. So that the doctors can do everything to save him. I was freaking out more and more she asked me what was wrong. So I answered her "I can't have the guy I have feelings for die!" She was shocked to hear that from me because she knew he cared for me also. I kept trying to keep Luke awake until the medics came it was hard but I was able to...

Then I woke up. I wish I would of known what happens to Luke but I guess the rest is left to our imagination...

Come back every Wednesday and Saturday for a new dream.

-K ♥

P.S - The names in the story were changed for privacy purposes.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Criminal Minds related dream...

So on May 5th I had this dream...

Reid (from Criminal Minds) was working on a case at an apartment building. Little did he know the killer was the twin girls that lived in the apartment. They weren't any older then maybe 8 years old. They bite peoples necks or something along those lines. If a person was bitten by them a word of some sort would appear. One night when Reid was at the crime scene on his own the twins got a hold of him bit him and the words "Owl Fruit" Appeared...

Then I woke up and who knows what happened ! It's weird that I dream of Criminal Minds when I haven't had the time to watch it in a while. Also that the collab channel I'm part of's name appeared...What does this mean...?

Do you believe that your dreams might mean something? I do at times. Depending on what happens of course.

Come back every Wednesday and Saturday for a new dream.

- K ♥