Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Picnic in the Park

May  23/13
My friend Philip asked me if I wanted to hang out. So I greatly accepted because I love hanging out with him. So I met up with him at the park next to his cousin's house. When we were sitting on the bench quietly,  when some random girl comes and sits between us. The decides to start flirty with him...I just sat there...He got up and sat on the bench across from me. She's still there sitting in the same spot trying to get his attention. We decide to both ignore her and start eating but suddenly she starts asking if he has food for her also...Thankfully his 4 cousins come out to the park. His youngest cousin Kathy and only girl in the family comes to sit next to me asking me why I look so down. So I get up to walk around the park with her to tell her she then freaks out and runs over to Phil. She seems like she's giving him a lot of shit why? I don't know it isn't his fault this girl came around... As I'm walking back I see the girl start to walk away but Phil stops her and says something to her. I can't tell what it is because I'm still to far away. She seems upset as she's walking away after he's talked to her. Kathy comes running to me then starts pulling me towards where everyone is. She apparently has this big idea from how excited she was. So we get to where everyone is, Phil takes me aside to talk to me while everyone else runs off I watch Kathy as she has this big grin on her face.

Well I never found out what her big great idea was...I was awoken by my dog barking...Oh well!

-Kay xo

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