Saturday, August 9, 2014


Okay this isn't one of my dream story's it was a Deja-Vu a friend had with me and it was kind of crazy when he told me about it. So I will tell you guys about it!

Well my friend and I were getting ready for bed. So were laying in bed talking and out of no where he's like "whoaa, I'm having a total deja-vu right now." So I proceeded to ask him about it and he remembered exactly how old he was when he had that dream he was 12...This blows my mind because he and I didn't even know each other when we were younger...

Has this ever happened to anyone else? They dreamt of someone you don't know?

This was the first time I've ever heard of someone dreaming of me when they were younger... Maybe it's a sign? Maybe it was faith that we met? I really don't know but I can't stop thinking about it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hunting Me Down.

January 14, 2014

My dream was quite strange to be honest but then again everyone has those from time to time. This one was about a guy I liked. I don't remember all the details of this dream but what I do remember is that Bryan kept looking for me and chased me up the stairs to my apartment a few times. Every time I would see him in the stairs "Future" by Paramore would play just to make it that much more creepy. I knew he wasn't there with good intentions so every time I'd see him I would run. He was upset about something I never knew what but I honestly didn't want to know. It just felt like the start to a bad horror movie...

Well that is the first dream for this month.

Check out the Paramore song:

Check back next week for a new one.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A New Year New Dreams.

So I haven't posted on this page in a long time and I will be getting back into writing about the strange dreams I have starting in February so keep a look out for that. I can't wait to start it up again you guys have told me good things about the few posts that I have. I look forward to hearing what you guys have to say about the future dreams I have.

Have you ever thought about a Deja-vu being a dream you have had but you could never remember until you had that Deja-vu moment? I have thought of this and I think it's very possible.

Come back for new posts in February! I also have a personal blog page you guys can go check out until then.

- Kay

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Picnic in the Park

May  23/13
My friend Philip asked me if I wanted to hang out. So I greatly accepted because I love hanging out with him. So I met up with him at the park next to his cousin's house. When we were sitting on the bench quietly,  when some random girl comes and sits between us. The decides to start flirty with him...I just sat there...He got up and sat on the bench across from me. She's still there sitting in the same spot trying to get his attention. We decide to both ignore her and start eating but suddenly she starts asking if he has food for her also...Thankfully his 4 cousins come out to the park. His youngest cousin Kathy and only girl in the family comes to sit next to me asking me why I look so down. So I get up to walk around the park with her to tell her she then freaks out and runs over to Phil. She seems like she's giving him a lot of shit why? I don't know it isn't his fault this girl came around... As I'm walking back I see the girl start to walk away but Phil stops her and says something to her. I can't tell what it is because I'm still to far away. She seems upset as she's walking away after he's talked to her. Kathy comes running to me then starts pulling me towards where everyone is. She apparently has this big idea from how excited she was. So we get to where everyone is, Phil takes me aside to talk to me while everyone else runs off I watch Kathy as she has this big grin on her face.

Well I never found out what her big great idea was...I was awoken by my dog barking...Oh well!

-Kay xo

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Before He did YouTube...

August 10/13

So I was doing some cleaning of my stuff because I was packing up some stuff that I don't use but wanted to keep. When I got to the tape deck I was looking through the tapes that I had. Little did I know is that we had an Andrew Huang tape must of been my brothers but this was from before he was on YouTube the tape was called "Prism". I decided to stop cleaning and run over to my computer and make a YouTube video about this great find that I just had to put out there in hopes that Andrew would see it...


p.s. I don't have much of a schedule but I am trying to get back on one.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


July 7/13

I was hiding out at my friend Shelly's house with Corey we were hiding from the police...Shelly's mom was the one that was hiding the most. They had already talked to my parents asking where I was and well my parents honestly didn't know because I didn't want them to lie for me. Shelly's mom was on the balcony she ducked in so that the police staking out across the park wouldn't see her. They had seen her and came knocking on the door we hid in the corner of the living room so they wouldn't see us. They knocked so hard the shades on the door were moving and the cat thought it would be fun to play with. It almost exposed us at one point. Shelly's mom covered it so they wouldn't although they probably knew she was in the apartment. She ended up having to answer while we the kids hid so they wouldn't know we were there. The police gave her something so that we could leave the house. So Corey and I were given a yellow poncho's so that we could leave and were supposed to get stopped by police but we didn't because they were all oblivious. So Corey and I just walked away he was walking me home. But when we got to my place police where everywhere...So I couldn't possibly go home and Corey couldn't either. So Corey and I walked back to Shelly's place where her mom was in the cop car which meant Shelly was still well hidden in the apartment so we walked into the building like if we lived there we had a key and all. We just hid out at Shelly's for a long period of time.

I don't even remember what we were hiding from or why the police was looking for us. It was still somewhat interesting dream to talk about I guess. As always names have been changed due to privacy. All my stories the names will be changed.  

Thank you for reading.
Check back soon for another one.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Going Nowhere

May 18/2013

I was on the bus on my way to school. About halfway to the metro we were at a bus stop where an old lady got off, I then saw a guy around my age running for the bus. My guess is the bus driver hadn't seen him and started to drive off. The guy was still running but had to stop because he lost his bus pass. Little did I know the bus ended up stopping a few stops away. There was something blocking the road we couldn't move. Beyond this road block was something that looked like the movie 2012. It was impossible that just that side of the city had been affected. Although I was still watching the guy to see if he was still going to get the bus after he saw this. When he got to the bus and saw this, he did still got onto the bus and came to sit right beside me at the back of the bus. We ended up talking for a good hour or so.

This is one of the strangest dreams I've ever had!
